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The Gift of Slowing Down

The Gift of Slowing Down

One of the things I’m really good at is giving valuable, encouraging and essential medical advice to my clients. It comes with my job and I absolutely love it, especially when they achieve great results from this advice.

One of the things I’m not always good at is taking my own advice, even when I know better. In particular, I’m referring to when I feel chronically stressed and knowing when I need to slow down to rebalance my health.

Chronic stress has become such a common practice, pattern or reaction in many parts of our world and sadly, it has become the norm. It’s not normal and the health consequences that ensue can be detrimental.

These include health problems such as IBS, insomnia, headaches, more frequent viral infections, heart palpitations, anxiety, fatigue, weight gain, hormone imbalances, risk for chronic illnesses and much more.

When I get stressed, I know what my body needs. It needs to exercise to release the stress hormones and rebalance my nervous system. It needs healthy, nourishing foods and replenishing filtered water. It needs specific adrenal gland supportive supplements that contain adaptogenic herbs, vitamins and minerals.

It needs deep, restorative sleep. It needs mindful breathing, mindful positive thoughts and a consistent meditation practice. It needs spending precious time in peaceful, beautiful nature. And it needs surrounding myself with supportive, caring and loving people.

Those are all highly effective for me and for a lot of people….most of the time. In other cases, my body desperately needs a break, a vacation, a respite, a getaway from my established environment and my routine schedule of work and other obligations. That’s when I know my health is adversely affected. I feel way out of balance.

What’s interesting, is that I did break away for a couple of weeks with the intent of slowing down, but I didn’t fully embrace that. I attended a wonderful meditation retreat for just a few days lead by Dr. Joe Dispenza and 1500 other amazing people in beautiful Colorado. Long hours, not the greatest sleep, but regardless it felt incredibly therapeutic on so many levels. Right afterwards, I got immediately back into work and business mode and tax payment filing.

And then something happened. My body finally had enough. My immune system and nervous system couldn’t handle the relentless GO craze of constantly trying to juggle many responsibilities.

I got sick 3 times in just under 2 weeks. I got an excruciating sinus infection for several days. As that was resolving, I got a stabbing migraine headache that surrounded my entire head for several days. After that resolved, I got infected with the norovirus that lead to severe stomach flu symptoms and chronic fatigue that lasted several days.

This was the loud wake up call that I needed to truly slow down. I had no other choice.

Our bodies give us very clear signs, clues, red flag warnings that we must listen to and follow. The body never lies. How often do you hear, see, sense something is not right or out of balance with your body and then completely disregard it?

We all do this. We might convince ourselves that:

“This symptom will go away.”

“Things will get better.”

“This isn’t so bad.”

“I’m so used to this stress. This is normal for me.”

“I’ll just push on a little bit further, then I’ll take a break.”

The next time your body tries to help you…Yes, help you…Pay close attention and acknowledge the nudge. Or in some cases the forceful jab. This is a work in progress for so many. Myself included.

In the event that you are too busy to feel what’s happening in your body until obvious symptoms come to the surface…OR you are not sure why things feel differently (abnormal) when they didn’t used to, it might be time to consult with someone who really understands the physical, emotional and mental depths of the human body across many levels.

While we all hold within us the innate intelligence of the body to self-correct and self-heal, every single one of us still needs the right guidance, motivation, accountability and partnership in health.

When you make the decision to work with a doctor or other health care practitioner to support you in your healing journey, it is important to understand how this professional approaches the diagnostic andhealing process.

You need someone that fully comprehends how all of the body’s systems interact, communicate and influence each other. A solid understanding of the science of how the body functions – physiologically, anatomically and biochemically. A person who fully embodies healing from a holistic, natural, safe and effective mindset. And most importantly, someone who strongly holds that everyone is truly unique in how and when their body heals from illnesses and injuries.

My 6 Month Vital Transformation Program encompasses all of that and more. When you become a patient and begin this program, you are provided with 1-2 appointments every month, personalized health recommendations, unlimited communication, guidance and encouragement along the way, individualized treatment protocols, 8 functional lab tests by reputable lab companies to evaluate your organ system and many other wonderful offerings to get your body to a state of much greater health.

Ready to support your body and take your health to the next level?

Schedule a FREE Discovery Call to discuss your health and symptoms and why you are seeking a Functional Medicine approach for your healing. I’ll also review the details of the Vital Transformation Program. If there’s a mutual interest and enthusiasm to work together, we’ll begin the New Patient onboarding process!

Schedule your Discovery Call HERE.

New Business Changes On a new, happy and exciting note, I have decided to take my business 100% virtual where I will no longer need my Roseville, California office. For so many of you who have been my patient for several years or months, this is no different than before.

For those of you who are interested in becoming a patient, I have been offering the initial 90 Minute New Patient Appointment in person at my office in Roseville. And all of the follow up appointments have been (and will continue to be) provided by Zoom or phone.

I will continue to provide the 90 Minute New Patient Appointment in person for those that want that option. After this time, all of your appointments with me during the 6 Month Program will be provided by Zoom and/or phone. Many of my patients have preferred this option already.

Need answers and guidance with your symptoms and health? Take the next step and schedule your Discovery Call HERE.

To Your Health,

Dr. Kristi

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